(The Butterfly House) akhirnya tayang di bioskop seluruh Indonesia mulai hari ini, Kamis (27/2). Film tersebut menjadi kolaborasi perdana antara […]
Category: art
Ahmad Dhani Bingung Arah AKSI: Tidak Ada UU Hak Penyanyi
Musisi sekaligus Ketua Dewan Pembina AKSI (Asosiasi Komposer Seluruh Indonesia), Ahmad Dhani, mengaku bingung dengan arah gerak VISI (Vibrasi Suara […]
Watch A Gorgeous Hand-Painted Custom HJC RPHA 1 Design Come To Life
If you enjoy watching videos of artistic processes, we highly recommend a relaxing and enjoyable viewing experience. There’s no feeling […]
Frank Lloyd Wright’s 6 most incredible masterpieces to visit around the world
A commentary on the architectural genius of Frank Lloyd Wright: few architects have realized the potential of design to improve […]
Art is at just as good for mental health as a job, study reveals
Research has found that engaging in arts and crafts activities can have a positive impact on mental well-being, comparable to […]
Nostalgia Audio Lawas: Ngulik Lagi Zaman Piringan Hitam, Kaset, dan CD
Kalian masih inget nggak sih jaman-jaman kita kalo dengerin music pakai walkman? Sebelum adanya music digital, music direkam dalam bentuk […]
Dazzling ceiling art: 10 of the best examples, from The Louvre to the Charminar in Hyderabad, India
Beyond the renowned frescoes of the Sistine Chapel lies a world of diverse and breathtaking ceiling art, from Malaysia’s mosques […]