.CO.ID – Pemerintah akan memberikan skrining atau cek kesehatan gratis bagi masyarakat yang berulang tahun, mulai Februari 2025. Program ini […]
Category: healthcare and medicine
Kemenkes Buka 5 Posisi Lowongan Kerja, Cek Kualifikasi dan Tenggat Waktunya
) membuka lowongan kerja untuk sejumlah posisi yang akan menangani urusan administrasi hingga kebersihan. Melalui Instagram resmi @kemenkes_ri, lembaga pemerintah […]
3 Organ yang Terdampak Gula Darah Tinggi,Termasuk Otak
– Diabetes memang dikenal sebagai penyakit yang memicu berbagai komplikasi serius. Jika dibiarkan, kadar gula darah tinggi dalam jangka waktu […]
6 Tips Sederhana Menjaga Jantung Tetap Sehat
Penyakit jantung merupakan penyebab kematian peringkat 1 di Indonesia. Bahkan, di banyak negara lain penyakit jantung juga menjadi ancaman kematian. […]
Tradie graduates as a surgeon after juggling tools and textbooks
A young tradesperson who balanced work life on construction sites with rigorous studies has undergone a remarkable career transition by […]
JD Vance underwent minor surgery after Senate swearing-in ceremony
. . A report indicated that Vance had been hospitalized following his swearing-in ceremony, which Ms. Harris had conducted. This […]
I thought I’d die by 30, now I’m rowing the Atlantic
It was as a teenager, lying in a hospital bed, that Sophie Pierce first learned of the gravity of her […]
Dozens of injured and ill patients evacuated from Gaza for medical care
Dozens of patients have been urgently relocated from the Gaza region due to the near-total collapse of the local healthcare […]
NHS top doctor warns UK is set for ‘worst year ever’ for flu
READ MORE: The UK is heading towards the most devastating flu season on record due to rapidly increasing cases, England’s […]
Brits heading into retirement receive boost as 70 becomes the new 60
It is expected to be a significant advantage for those entering retirement – the age of 70 is increasingly becoming […]