READ MORE: Who wouldn’t want to live a long, healthy life well into their 100s? Despite current trends, chances of […]
Category: medicine and healthcare
Dosen Unesa Ungkap Penyebab Diabetes Selain Konsumsi Gula Berlebih
– Penyebab utama penyakit diabetes melitus sering dianggap semata-mata karena konsumsi gula berlebih. Namun, penyakit diabetes melitus bukan hanya persoalan […]
Coffee vs tea: Which one raises stroke risk, and which one lowers it
Which option is healthier for your overall health, a cup of coffee or a cup of tea? Including increasing energy […]
Weekend lie-ins really could cut your risk of heart disease
READ MORE: A lie-in is what many of us rely on to make it through the stresses of a working […]
Kenali 9 Teknik CBT Demi Kesehatan Mental yang Lebih Baik
kesehatan mental. , dan sebagainya. Teknik ini sangat diperlukan dalam jangka waktu yang pendek. ini berdasarkan hubungan emosional, pikiran, dan […]
I took the now-defunct Alzheimer’s medication for seven years and it ‘paused’ my disease – without it there’s no hope
Geri Taylor enjoyed benefits from a now-abandoned Alzheimer’s medication for seven years The first sign of illness emerged when she […]