Dishwasher or washing by hand: which is more energy efficient?

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Do you let the water run all the time while washing dishes? Do you fill your dishwasher up to its maximum capacity? Do you wash your plates before loading them into the dishwasher? Take a closer look at your habits and then decide what the best practices are.

Water consumption

New dishwashers are extremely efficient, using a minimal amount of water. For example, a cutting-edge dishwasher can effectively clean the dishes for a group of twelve people using a mere ten liters of water. Interestingly, you’d use roughly the same amount of water if you let the tap run for just one minute. Nonetheless, it’s difficult to complete this task by hand within such a short timeframe.

The amount of water consumed depends on your daily routines and the composition of your household. For instance, a single person is unlikely to notice a significant increase in water usage when washing dishes by hand. However, for a large household, using a dishwasher may be more desirable and practical to avoid manual washing.

Electricity consumption

According to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency, the energy consumption is approximately 171 kWh per year. This is equivalent to about 2.3 percent of the total annual energy usage of a house.


Some useful gestures

1. Use the eco cycle in the dishwasher.

2. Avoid using hot water for hand washing dishes;

Utilize environmentally sustainable products for both cleaning techniques.

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