Scientists have evidence that Adam and Eve existed

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Researchers maintain that accumulating data supports the notion that humans are direct descendants of the biblical ancestors Adam and Eve.

Although some people question the existence of these two persons, the three main religions—Christianity, Judaism, and Islam—agree that Adam and Eve were created by God and served as the founders of the human race.

Researchers now claim to have found historical and archaeological evidence that supports the existence of the Garden of Eden beyond the descriptions in the Bible.

Archaeologists have discovered evidence suggesting that the Garden of Eden, traditionally considered a mythical place, may actually have been the birthplace of human civilization. Meanwhile, biologists maintain that all humans descend from a single, common ancestral lineage.

It is believed that the Garden of Eden was situated in the region of ancient Mesopotamia, which encompasses a large portion of modern-day Iraq, as well as parts of Syria, Iran, and Turkey.


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